The Wannabe




informal derogatory

1.  a person who tries to be like someone else or to fit in with a particular group of people.


I’m a colossal over-achiever, and I’ve always wanted to be ‘that’ super mom: the mom who always has it together.  Her house is always clean, both her socks match, and she always smells amazing.  The woman who, when she walks by her friends, they whisper and say, “How does she do it?”

…But as good as my intentions are, most days I think I look more like a hot mess episode of “I Love Lucy” than Wonder Woman or June Cleaver (does she even wear socks?).  Listen…I can’t see the floor in my laundry room, my son ALWAYS needs a haircut, and I’ve had a half-eaten lollipop stuck to my dresser for over a year.

I think many of us believe we have to perform and have perfect results, all of the time. We need to have a nice car, 2.5 perfectly behaved children, a flawless, Jennifer Aniston-esque haircut, and I’ll admit it – have the best dance moves at every party (I sometimes practice in the mirror).

We believe that the woman sitting next to us is prettier, wealthier, has a cleaner house, kids that look like they walked out of a GAP ad, and has her whole life together.  The fact is, none of us has it ALL together.  Her house may be cleaner, but she might struggle with depression.  She might be the life of every party, but is privately desperate for deep friendship.  We need each other.  We need to lift each other up, laugh together, and – dare I say – laugh at ourselves!

I have to wonder how often we would find that we’re in good company if we just shared what was really happening day to day: good or bad, positive or negative, beautiful or seemingly ugly?

SO –

To the women who have posh business lunches and still spill food on themselves.

To the women who sniff their clothes from the hamper and deem them suitable to wear for one more day.

To the women who have enough old french fries in the floorboards of their car to make a full order.

To the imperfect women who just want community in this imperfect world….

Let’s find the “funny” in the flaws of life together!



  1. Troy

    Nicely written. I think you are like most of us parents, and do the best you can. I believe that effort counts and so does the intent of the heart. My wife does an amazing job, too, even if she doesn’t think she is. We husbands appreciate the sacrifices you make for us and our families even if we don’t do a great job expressing it. I am sure your husband feels the same.

    1. Kristen

      That means a lot, Troy, thank you. I agree…I think everyone does the best they can and somewhere down the line we start believing that our best isn’t good enough. I hope to dispel that lie and encourage others to do the same!!

  2. Lindsey

    Love your first post! And thanks to AShley Hinerman for the introduction! No mama can have it all going on…life is too crazy these days for that!! Look forward to reading many more of your posts!

    1. Kristen

      Thank you so much, Lindsey! I’m so glad we are connected now, and I welcome your feedback!

    1. Kristen

      :* I’m so glad we’ve been able to stay in touch! Would love your feedback and advice on future stuff, Lauren!!

  3. Pingback: Stay-at-Home vs. Working Moms: Settling the Debate – Where's My Cape?

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