More People Are Talking About This

“Real Life” is trending right now. I like that society is taking a tiny step away from perfection with white bathrooms and laundry that’s always clean and put away.

More and more people on social media are talking about being imperfect and I love it.  They might post a really pretty photo, but the caption is all about the dog – or the baby – pooping on the floor.

…but sometimes even the term “real life” can even seem unattainable.  It gets too shiny and somehow we’re still looking at someone else’s “poop” through rose colored – or Instagram filtered- lenses.  We might say,

“Their poop doesn’t smell as bad as mine does.”

“I bet their poop doesn’t make a mess.”

“Their kids probably cleaned up their poop without being asked, with a smile on their face while they sang songs from The Sound of Music.”

We’ve taken someone else’s version of real life and twisted into something that’s better than us; deemed it something else we can’t attain, and again we’ve called ourselves not good enough.

What does real life look like for you? I’m asking as a serious question because I think we believe our lives are boring and not share-worthy.  The truth is that your life is your story, and it so deserves to be told! You’re never as alone as you think.  It takes telling your story, though, to truly realize that and experience the freedom it can give.

For me, real life looks like making mistakes.  Mistakes that seem too private and too painful to talk about because of the shame and embarrassment that comes with them. Mistakes like getting angry too quickly with my kids or hurting a friend.

Real life looks like an unmade bed or throwing whatever cheese sticks, chicken tenders or pizza rolls I can find in the freezer on a cookie sheet and calling it dinner.

Real life is family. Real life is emotional. Real life is wondering if you’re doing it right. It’s friendship and laughter and a bunch of ordinary moments strung together. It’s no fluff, no fuss, and no clean underwear.

And it looks the same for NO ONE.

Real life can be both messy and amazing at the same time.  Things – your house, your kids, your relationships – don’t always have to be clean and tidy for a life to be enjoyable and have an impact.

Nobody’s “real life” mess looks or cleans up the same, but never tell yourself that your mess is worse than someone else’s or that you don’t have a story that someone else needs to hear. Your story is one that someone out there can’t live without.  You can inspire and create hope, just by sharing real life.

I’d love it if you start here and share with me a real life moment you’ve had recently!


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